DC20 Magazine #9 - Psion Subclasses


Psion Subclasses

With 0.9 just about to drop, giving you guys new Subclasses and updates to the core Classes, we wanted to revisit the Psion and bring you an updated version with its own Subclasses! This includes the future-seeing Oracle, the warrior Psi-Knight, and of course, the Paragon.

Manipulate the outcomes of your enemies' and allies' actions with the Oracle and boost your physical prowess with the Psi-Knight. With the Paragon, boost either your Telekinesis or your Mind Sense to make you an even more powerful Psion. I hope you enjoy these new character options and that it helps make your adventures even more exciting!

PDF Content

  • 2 New Psion Subclasses: Oracle & Psi-Knight
  • 2 Psion Paragon Subclasses 

Psion Class PDF

If you don't have the Psion Class, you can pick it up here: https://thedungeoncoach.com/products/dc20-magazine-1

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